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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What is Health?

We all know the word, and we'd probably agree upon one of a few definitions, but
What is Health? 

- Is it a right? 
- Something we're owed? 
- An Ache or a Pain, Numbness, or a Tingle?
-Or is HEALTH something that we may gain or loose like money in the bank?
- Are we robbed of it by the Germs and Virus for which we wash, clean, and sanitize?

Health is not a commodity, it is a state of being, a dynamic equilibrium in which we exist where all of our thoughts, actions, and choices either facilitate or inhibit our outward Expression of Health.

We are born with an innate ability to Heal; the information is imprinted in our DNA so we may develop and grow, turning over 500 Billion Cells every day. Most simply, THIS, is Exactly how we Heal. When we become Stressed, Sick, or Injured our bodies recreate new living cells; the ability to repair the tissue of a living being IS the definition of Healing. More importantly our ability to Heal is an Expression of our level of Health at any given time. Think about it, the Healthier we are the better we Heal, right?

So let's get back to that Dynamic Equilibrium. How do things like our Food Choices, Stress, Habits, Practices, and even our Thoughts effect the Expression of our ability to Heal? Does the nutrients from a Big Mac, Fries, & Coke provide more energy than is required to break it down? Does going to the gym provide more energy and benefits than we expend? Do we consciously pursue a life of Health and Healing or simply exist as the result of the decisions we make?

Unfortunately this simple equation doesn't scratch the surface of the complex intelligent design which we exemplify. At any given moment our Level of Physical Health may be measured as the overall net sum of our Organ and System Health; Gastrointestinal Health, Cardiovascular Health, Joint Health, but we're much more than a physical body. What about Psychological Health, Spiritual Health, and Emotional Health to name a few? As we delve down the rabbit hole of ever increasing Health, Healing, and Well Being our continuum begins to more closely resemble a heap of spaghetti with each noodle representing a different Domain of Health. Furthermore, Stress and Trauma in any domain tends to push us toward dis-ease while our innate healing functions drive us ever closer to a state of Health.

Our outward expression of Health, our ability to adapt and heal, even our future can be represented by where we lie in the spaghetti at any given time. Most often a single decision affects multiple domains, sometimes in opposing ways, but inevitably leads to either Health, Healing, and the Expression of Life, or spirals toward Dis-ease, Degeneration, Decay, and Death.

Chiropractic keeps us clear so we may express our greatest potential to live, regardless of where we are on the continuum of Health. When we are Free & Clear of interference our body functions at its best. The longer that we remain clear the greater our potential to reclaim our health by healing the cumulative effects of longstanding Stress, Dis-function, and Dis-ease. While there is no finish line, we may continue approaching ever increasing Health by investing in ourselves and our future.

Invest in Health. Invest Life. Choose Chiropractic 

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