Someone wise once told me that there are two paths in Life; that of the Ego, and that of the Soul. One arises from the higher realm of being, the other from the lower realm. One meets Flow, Serendipity, Providence, Synchronicity, and Grace. The other meets Challenges, Resistances, Difficulties, and Dis-ease. One is fueled by the boundless energy of Inspiration, the other must be fueled by the limited energy of Motivation.
Despite their intended context, these words exemplify the distinct paradigms that exist in our duelist culture of Health & Disease Care. One is based on the preservation and amplification of Health and potential in Life, while the other centered around the treatment and management of symptomatic disease states. While it is important that we remain aware of our actions and conscious of their implications, we are fortunate that deciding between the two is not an exclusive arrangement.
In essence this dichotomy embodies the subtle differences in being Proactive vs Reactive. Many of us indulge the Ego as if our actions are executed without impunity; burning the proverbial candle at both ends. Then, when illness, dis-ease, degeneration, and decay appear as a direct result of our laissez fair life choices we React by reaching for a nearest seemingly quick fix. As if to say, "get me back out there, I want some more!" and when the unpleasant sign, symptom, or lab value has been eradicated we get right back to the party. We return to the same habits and choices that resulted in our untimely departure from a state of function, fun, and Health with hopes that it may be different this time, as if our actions will have no effect on our being.
While the Ego seeks praise and pleasant sensations the Soul innately strives to adapt and grow, expressing it's potential to exist in the highest state possible. We may call this Evolution or Growth, in some instances this exemplifies Healing; be it Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, even Socially. Nevertheless, it also comes from a choice. When we invest in ourselves proactively we support the natural design of Health, Balance, and Peace which Inspires all the actions of LIFE in a manner that is congruent with our intelligent design.
On the buffet of life there is much food for the Soul; Music, Meditation, Positive Thinking, Live Foods, Clean Water, Knowledge, Love, Trust, and the list may go on and on. At birth we exist in a state FREE of judgement, stress, worry, and shame, we are simply pre-paired with all of the necessary components for Life in Health. Vitalistic Chiropractic Care plays a crucial role in the preservation and amplification of Health through its unique ability to unite the Body with the Soul and express our innate desire to grow and evolve to the highest state possible.
When we decide to get Adjusted, and remain CLEAR we execute a choice which allows our Innate, Intelligent Life Force to coordinate all the actions of Life; carrying information from our Brain through our bounding network of Nerves to coordinate each and every action that our bodies perform.
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