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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Love & Einstein

What is Love? May Love be an Intention? Is it a Thought, Feeling or an Emotion? Something to Give or something we're lucky enough to Receive?

A letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter on The Universal Force of Love

"When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.

I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.

There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE.

When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals. For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.

To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation. If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.

After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…

If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.

Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.

However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.

When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.

I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it's too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer!"

Your father,
Albert Einstein

Dr. Tyler C. White, Chiropractor, located in Brick, NJ

Dr. Tyler serves the Exceptional Chiropractic Experience, addressing every client’s unique situation with the professional knowledge and tools that are most appropriate. At Hands On Health Chiropractic in Ocean County, New Jersey, people receive hope and inspiration; they are listened to and cared for with love and respect. People of all ages, from newborns to great-grandparents, those who are well and those who strive to be healthy, enjoy our service. We invite everyone to visit our office, join us for an orientation or Health Talk, and witness how Chiropractic facilitates optimal performance. Call 732-710-7403 for an appointment and experience the far-reaching benefits of the Exceptional Chiropractic Experience TODAY!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

It's Always Time for Chiropractic

One of the most common questions that we hear is, “When should I get adjusted?” The answer may vary from person to person, but like most things, Chiropractic is best used regularly.

During any given day we experience a multitude of Stresses, some BIG and others little. While certain stresses may affect us physically others affect us mentally or chemically. Regardless of the Size and Domain of the Stress, the Innate Intelligence of our body always reacts as appropriately as possible so we may continue functioning and living to the best of our ability. This adaptive response results in the development of Spinal Subluxations which inevitably result in interference to our Nervous System restricting the flow of information between our Brain and our Body.

When this flow of information is not Free and Clear any number of physiological functions may suffer. With interference, our Brain may not receive accurate information regarding our state of being. Would this affect our Digestion, Blood Pressure, Immune System, or something else? With interference could the body receive clear and accurate information about or Balance, Hormone Levels, or even Muscle Coordination?

Regardless of which part(s) of the Nervous System are being affected by Subluxations their very presence causes us to function in a state of Dis-Ease and relative Dis-Function. The longer we remain disconnected from ourselves the more significant the dysfunction will become until it inevitably gets our attention in one way or another.

The singular goal of the Chiropractic Adjustment is to remove this interference to our Nervous System so that we may continue to express our Innate potential for Health, Healing, and Life; by functioning in a prolonged state of Ease as we were intended to. While we all experience different types of stresses in different quantities, it is important to maintain a schedule of care best suited for anybody's unique and personal needs.

Stress is Common. Subluxations are Common. BE Regular with Chiropractic!

Hands On Health Chiropractic in Brick, NJ

Dr. Tyler C. White is committed to providing regular Chiropractic Care in a manner that is accessible to every-body. Since 2009, Dr. Tyler has served thousands of people with varying needs. As a chiropractor, he values understanding, quality, and thoroughness, addressing every individual’s needs in a manner that is both gentle and honoring. Schedule an appointment today and experience the far-reaching benefits of the Exceptional Chiropractic Experience! Contact us at 732-710-7403.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What is Health?

We all know the word, and we'd probably agree upon one of a few definitions, but
What is Health? 

- Is it a right? 
- Something we're owed? 
- An Ache or a Pain, Numbness, or a Tingle?
-Or is HEALTH something that we may gain or loose like money in the bank?
- Are we robbed of it by the Germs and Virus for which we wash, clean, and sanitize?

Health is not a commodity, it is a state of being, a dynamic equilibrium in which we exist where all of our thoughts, actions, and choices either facilitate or inhibit our outward Expression of Health.

We are born with an innate ability to Heal; the information is imprinted in our DNA so we may develop and grow, turning over 500 Billion Cells every day. Most simply, THIS, is Exactly how we Heal. When we become Stressed, Sick, or Injured our bodies recreate new living cells; the ability to repair the tissue of a living being IS the definition of Healing. More importantly our ability to Heal is an Expression of our level of Health at any given time. Think about it, the Healthier we are the better we Heal, right?

So let's get back to that Dynamic Equilibrium. How do things like our Food Choices, Stress, Habits, Practices, and even our Thoughts effect the Expression of our ability to Heal? Does the nutrients from a Big Mac, Fries, & Coke provide more energy than is required to break it down? Does going to the gym provide more energy and benefits than we expend? Do we consciously pursue a life of Health and Healing or simply exist as the result of the decisions we make?

Unfortunately this simple equation doesn't scratch the surface of the complex intelligent design which we exemplify. At any given moment our Level of Physical Health may be measured as the overall net sum of our Organ and System Health; Gastrointestinal Health, Cardiovascular Health, Joint Health, but we're much more than a physical body. What about Psychological Health, Spiritual Health, and Emotional Health to name a few? As we delve down the rabbit hole of ever increasing Health, Healing, and Well Being our continuum begins to more closely resemble a heap of spaghetti with each noodle representing a different Domain of Health. Furthermore, Stress and Trauma in any domain tends to push us toward dis-ease while our innate healing functions drive us ever closer to a state of Health.

Our outward expression of Health, our ability to adapt and heal, even our future can be represented by where we lie in the spaghetti at any given time. Most often a single decision affects multiple domains, sometimes in opposing ways, but inevitably leads to either Health, Healing, and the Expression of Life, or spirals toward Dis-ease, Degeneration, Decay, and Death.

Chiropractic keeps us clear so we may express our greatest potential to live, regardless of where we are on the continuum of Health. When we are Free & Clear of interference our body functions at its best. The longer that we remain clear the greater our potential to reclaim our health by healing the cumulative effects of longstanding Stress, Dis-function, and Dis-ease. While there is no finish line, we may continue approaching ever increasing Health by investing in ourselves and our future.

Invest in Health. Invest Life. Choose Chiropractic 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

There is NO Path to Health. Health IS the Path.

Someone wise once told me that there are two paths in Life; that of the Ego, and that of the Soul. One arises from the higher realm of being, the other from the lower realm. One meets Flow, Serendipity, Providence, Synchronicity, and Grace. The other meets Challenges, Resistances, Difficulties, and Dis-ease. One is fueled by the boundless energy of Inspiration, the other must be fueled by the limited energy of Motivation.

Despite their intended context, these words exemplify the distinct paradigms that exist in our duelist culture of Health & Disease Care. One is based on the preservation and amplification of Health and potential in Life, while the other centered around the treatment and management of symptomatic disease states. While it is important that we remain aware of our actions and conscious of their implications, we are fortunate that deciding between the two is not an exclusive arrangement.

In essence this dichotomy embodies the subtle differences in being Proactive vs Reactive. Many of us indulge the Ego as if our actions are executed without impunity; burning the proverbial candle at both ends. Then, when illness, dis-ease, degeneration, and decay appear as a direct result of our laissez fair life choices we React by reaching for a nearest seemingly quick fix. As if to say, "get me back out there, I want some more!" and when the unpleasant sign, symptom, or lab value has been eradicated we get right back to the party. We return to the same habits and choices that resulted in our untimely departure from a state of function, fun, and Health with hopes that it may be different this time, as if our actions will have no effect on our being.

While the Ego seeks praise and pleasant sensations the Soul innately strives to adapt and grow, expressing it's potential to exist in the highest state possible. We may call this Evolution or Growth, in some instances this exemplifies Healing; be it Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, even Socially. Nevertheless, it also comes from a choice. When we invest in ourselves proactively we support the natural design of Health, Balance, and Peace which Inspires all the actions of LIFE in a manner that is congruent with our intelligent design.

On the buffet of life there is much food for the Soul; Music, Meditation, Positive Thinking, Live Foods, Clean Water, Knowledge, Love, Trust, and the list may go on and on. At birth we exist in a state FREE of judgement, stress, worry, and shame, we are simply pre-paired with all of the necessary components for Life in Health. Vitalistic Chiropractic Care plays a crucial role in the preservation and amplification of Health through its unique ability to unite the Body with the Soul and express our innate desire to grow and evolve to the highest state possible.

When we decide to get Adjusted, and remain CLEAR we execute a choice which allows our Innate, Intelligent Life Force to coordinate all the actions of Life; carrying information from our Brain through our bounding network of Nerves to coordinate each and every action that our bodies perform.

Health is a choice, Life is a Choice. Choose Wisely, Choose Chiropractic.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How bad can a little Nerve Interference really be?

Our Nerves conduct information near the speed of light in order to: 
1.) Keep our Brain well informed of everything that's happening in and around us, and
2.) to clearly and properly convey information from our Brain regarding how our bodies should be adapting, healing, and functioning in regards to everything we do.
Stress is usually served in 2 Sizes, and comes in 3 Flavors. Our stress may be Physical, Chemical, or Mental and Emotional; regardless of the flavor we usually experience BIG STRESS like Major Trauma (Car Crashes, Toxicity, Mental Illness) or the cumulative little stresses that affect us throughout every day of our lives (bills, prolonged poor posture, repetitive actions, sitting on a wallet, carrying a purse, lifting babies, etc) 
Regardless of the Size & Flavor we respond to our STRESS by developing Spinal Subluxations, which produce Interference to the Quantity, Quality, and Clarity of the information being transmitted through our Nervous System becomes compromised. We inevitably begin to function in Dis-Ease and relative Dysfunction becoming increasingly Dis-Connected from ourselves inevitably allowing Degeneration, Decay, and Disease to develop.
Chiropractic Adjustments keep the Nervous System CLEAR, so we may Adapt, Heal, Grow, Function, & LIVE LIFE as the Greatest Expression of Ourselves possible.

This is NOT about your Back, it's about your LIFE!
Make an appointment to get checked for Subluxations Today!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How Does an Instant Change our Lives?

It happens to us all whether we're kids on the playground, or presenting to our peers at work. Inevitably, STRESS has the ability to shape how we feel, and more importantly who we grow into. Whether we experience a physical trauma which may leave us scarred or even disfigured our exposure to mental and emotional trauma has the ability to produce effects that last just as long.

Fortunately, the moments that create lasting impressions on our Brain can be positive ones as well! For parents, having a child redefines their existence, and while this event may add all sorts of unforeseen stress it also stimulates our being an a way we've never experienced. This results from an intense stimulation of our Nervous System eliciting cascades of chemical reactions, and lodging the perception of an instant in our memory as the thoughts, feelings, and emotions we experience. I clearly remember how feelings of embarrassment in specific instances during my adolescence changed the way I engaged similar situations thereafter,

I began to develop an Invisible Armor to protect myself in the future, creating subconscious "Filters" within my own Nervous System; it's like rewriting a computer code. When the Nervous System perceives X, respond by doing Y. eventually these filters began to drive the development of personality traits which I exemplified as a young adult and to some degree still do. For others this very real distortion may cause us to live in the past, the future, in fear, defensive, apprehensive or in any other altered mode of operation.

Through the process of Spinal, Soft Tissue, Structural Adjusting, and the subsequent Clearing of the Nervous System, we are able to HEAL. Not just from the Physical, but from the accumulated effects of Mental, Emotional, and Chemical Stress as well. The thinner the Armor, the more rapidly the process of transformation to express our potential for LIFE may be. By becoming and remaining CLEAR we have the ability to experience the world as child, without preformed judgement, fear, hang-ups, or expectations. We develop the ability to live in the NOW, integrating and adapting to stimuli as we experience an attunement to the present moment.

Chiropractic aligns the Physical with the Spiritual for the totality of our Life Expression. It reconnects us with ourselves and brings Harmony and Unity to Humanity.