At this point, the inevitable seems unavoidable; the bread isles are barren, gas tanks are full, and we can not deny that SNOW is On The Way!
Fortunately, TODAY is the Perfect time to add getting checked, adjusted, and to being CLEAR to your list of preparations before battening down the hatches with those you love.
As many of us know SUBLUXATIONS form as our bodies respond to STRESS, which much like your favorite ice cream cone, generally comes in 2 sizes and 3 flavors. While the stress that we incur may be BIG or little it generally affects us Physically, Chemically, or Mentally & Emotionally. For many of us this pending winter weather can and will affect us in multiple ways; let's take a look:
- Physical Stress: How many shovels of wet, heavy snow will it take for us to develop subluxations, tight muscles, interference, and inflammation? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Three Hundred? By getting clear TODAY you will have the benefit of approaching this daunting task with ease and balance. But what about the BIG Stresses? In poor conditions we become exposed to a multitude of LARGE physical stresses as well; slips, falls, even auto accidents as cars slip and slide toward their destinations. When we're Clear & Well Adjusted we have the ability to adapt to these large scale stresses to the best of our ability; this may mean catching our balance or limiting the forces that our bodies absorb if we make contact with something hard.
- Mental / Emotional Stress: This stage has already begun! The planning, worry, and the unexpected can get us all worked up and worried. For many of us the power outages which followed Sandy are a not so distant memory, and have us planning for the what if's and worse case scenarios. By keeping well adjusted we can approach our mental and emotional stress with a level mind and a rational thought process. Have a plan, execute it if necessary, and most importantly stay calm.
- Chemical Stress: In this situation these are usually self imposed. When we're presented with days locked in with our loved ones many of us choose to self-medicate. Over indulging on libations and comfort foods become a chemical stress. Everything that enters our mouth must be processed and removed from our digestive system. If we're just consuming empty calories we're not going to regain the energy that we're expending. Getting adjusted keeps all of your systems working properly through the CLEAR and coordinated actions of Nervous System. Keeping FREE and Connected will also help us stay well by allowing our Immune System to work just as it was intended to.
When the snow settles, we'll be here.... But Why Wait? Call today and get Tuned-Up!