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Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow + Stress + Spines = Snow-bluxations

At this point, the inevitable seems unavoidable; the bread isles are barren, gas tanks are full, and we can not deny that SNOW is On The Way! 

Fortunately, TODAY is the Perfect time to add getting checked, adjusted, and to being CLEAR to your list of preparations before battening down the hatches with those you love. 

As many of us know SUBLUXATIONS form as our bodies respond to STRESS, which much like your favorite ice cream cone, generally comes in 2 sizes and 3 flavors. While the stress that we incur may be BIG or little it generally affects us Physically, Chemically, or Mentally & Emotionally. For many of us this pending winter weather can and will affect us in multiple ways; let's take a look:
  1. Physical Stress: How many shovels of wet, heavy snow will it take for us to develop subluxations, tight muscles, interference, and inflammation? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Three Hundred? By getting clear TODAY you will have the benefit of approaching this daunting task with ease and balance. But what about the BIG Stresses? In poor conditions we become exposed to a multitude of LARGE physical stresses as well; slips, falls, even auto accidents as cars slip and slide toward their destinations. When we're Clear & Well Adjusted we have the ability to adapt to these large scale stresses to the best of our ability; this may mean catching our balance or limiting the forces that our bodies absorb if we make contact with something hard. 
  2. Mental / Emotional Stress: This stage has already begun! The planning, worry, and the unexpected can get us all worked up and worried. For many of us the power outages which followed Sandy are a not so distant memory, and have us planning for the what if's and worse case scenarios. By keeping well adjusted we can approach our mental and emotional stress with a level mind and a rational thought process. Have a plan, execute it if necessary, and most importantly stay calm. 
  3. Chemical Stress: In this situation these are usually self imposed. When we're presented with days locked in with our loved ones many of us choose to self-medicate. Over indulging on libations and comfort foods become a chemical stress. Everything that enters our mouth must be processed and removed from our digestive system. If we're just consuming empty calories we're not going to regain the energy that we're expending. Getting adjusted keeps all of your systems working properly through the CLEAR and coordinated actions of Nervous System. Keeping FREE and Connected will also help us stay well by allowing our Immune System to work just as it was intended to. 
When the snow settles, we'll be here.... But Why Wait? Call today and get Tuned-Up!

Monday, January 18, 2016

You Can Heal the Symptom, but NOT Affect the Cause

We all know about symptoms...Symptoms are the things that make us feel crumby right? Sometimes they’re perceived as being Painful, Feverish, Digestive, Swollen, Tingling, Weak, or in many other ways.

As Americans we propagate two BIG misconceptions when it comes to the things that make us feel, well... sick.

  1. The negative ache, pain, sniffle, sneeze, or symptom must be the problem.
  2. When the symptom clears up we're all better, and back to business as usual. More often than not, that negative symptom is NOT the problem, but is our body's best attempt at expressing the issue to get our attention. In some cases the things that "Feel Bad" are actually the result of our bodies working to Keep Us Functioning Properly!

Let's look at a few examples:

  • Pain: We all know it because most of us have experienced it. However, even PAIN has a Purpose! It keeps us from doing more damage to ourselves. It sounds an alarm so we can rest, and HEAL just like the Smoke Alarm in your home alerts you to the presence of an issue before it's too late. What do you do when the alarm sounds? Do you remove the Battery? Or would you look for the source of the smoke? Treating Pain, is much like removing the battery, it allows us to ignore the alarm and keep doing damage until the Pain-Flames get so BIG they're unavoidable.
  • Swelling: Much like pain, swelling has a purpose. It draws extra blood and nutrients into an injured area to promote Healing, while limiting motion to prevent further damage. Many times Joint-Swelling acts just like an Innate Splint. If we choose to "treat" swelling we may allow ourselves to "Feel" better, but pain relievers will not repair the instability or injuries for which the inflammatory response was initiated.
  • Fever: Fevers also serve a multitude of physiological functions. By turning up our internal thermostat our bodies are able to kill off invading Bacteria & Viruses. Fever's also increase Red Blood Cell and Immune Cell Production to help us Fight off an Infection. Fevers even limit the availability of Iron which invading bacteria need to replicate.

The practice of Chiropractic is unique in its approach because a Chiropractic Adjustment was not designed to Treat or Alleviate any symptom(s). More importantly, the purpose of a Specific, Scientific Chiropractic Adjustment is simply to support the body's natural mechanisms of healing by keeping the Nervous System Clear so the brain may receive accurate, timely information about the state of the being, and so the body may receive clear orders how to function.

The BEST time to get checked and adjusted may be when you're expressing symptoms. What better time is there to assure that you’re Functioning at your best than when your body's working harder than normal to HEAL.

Wouldn't you tune up the car if it were sputtering and dropping fluids on the road? Get Checked, Live Clear, BE WELL!

Dr. Tyler C. White, Chiropractor, located in Brick, NJ

Dr. Tyler serves the Exceptional Chiropractic Experience, addressing every client’s unique situation with the professional knowledge and tools that are most appropriate. At Hands On Health Chiropractic in Ocean County, New Jersey, people receive hope and inspiration; they are listened to and cared for with love and respect. People of all ages, from newborns to great-grandparents, those who are well and those who strive to be healthy, enjoy our service. We invite everyone to visit our office, join us for an orientation or Health Talk, and witness how Chiropractic facilitates optimal performance. Call 732-710-7403 for an appointment and experience the far-reaching benefits of the Exceptional Chiropractic Experience TODAY!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Be CLEAR in the New Year!

Many of us celebrate the New Year as a time for a Fresh Start, a New Beginning; perhaps a chance to reformulate previous ideas and create New Goals to manifest our desires for the future. Whether we're looking to loose a few pounds, start a business, or simply give thanks for that which we have; keeping ourselves CLEAR & Connected with Regular Chiropractic Care will help in more ways than one...

We all live with Stress in our Day to Day Lives, that's no secret. Unfortunately, these menial stresses initiate a chain of events resulting in tension, pressure, and irritation to the supple components of our Nervous System. This seemingly harmless tension, a mere ounce of pressure, results in Interference to  as much as 80% of the vital signals traveling between our Brain and Body. 

We contain over 45 Miles of Nerves, that's almost the distance from here to New York City! Depending upon where interference is present, any number of parts or processes may be affected:
  • Interference to the Nerves carrying information from sensory structures (touch, taste, sight, etc.) cause our Brain to receive inaccurate information regarding the world around us. 
  • Interference to information regarding Joint Position, Orientation, Pressure, and Balance may cause Dizziness, Poor Motor Function, or Motion Sickness.
  • Interference to the nerves that move muscles may result in Spasm, Weakness, or Paralysis.
  • Interference to the coordination of our Immune System may leave us susceptible to illness.
  • Interference to the Nerves which innervate organs will result in relative dysfunction of those organs this could mean motility issues and inflammation in the gut, an arrhythmia in the cardiac system, or more.
Whether we've resolved to Eat Better, Lose Weight, Get of Debt, or anything else in 2016. It is absolutely imperative that we live Free of Interference so we may be our absolute BEST!