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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Expressing Health...

How may we, "Express our Potential for Health?" When used as a Verb, "Express" may be defined as the ability to Show, Reveal, or Manifest. "Potential" is commonly defined as what is possible, or what something or someone is capable of being. As a Vitalistic Chiropractor I understand that most of us are born with the Potential to LIVE, and to do so in Health. In some ways the two go hand in hand; the healthier we are, the more we may be able to live our lives.

Believe it or not, the vast majority of us are born with Unlimited Potential. We have the ability to become what we wish, to cultivate our gifts, pursue education, and to be fit, but we also possess the potential to be neglectful, engage in risky behaviors, and we even have the potential fall ill. Most of us are born a variable blank slate; we enter the world as a self-regulating, self-healing organism capable of creating and recreating every type of cell in our bodies thanks to the coordinated role of our Nervous System. Quite literally, we are born with an endless potential to fulfill the process that science calls Healing, a process which serves to keep us both Healthy and Alive.

Unfortunately, we are also born facing countless Choices; what to do, what to eat, when to sleep, and the list goes on and on. Where many of us fail to make the connection is by failing to acknowledge that our choices can limit our potential. Think about it, by choosing to ignore an injury in our youth we may limit our potential to be an athlete later in life. If we choose to avoid exercise, smoke tobacco and live on fast food, we'll probably limit our potential for optimal cardiovascular health.

When we understand how Subluxations affect our body's ability to communicate, control, and coordinate itself, it becomes CLEAR how choosing to be Regular with proactive Chiropractic Care facilitates our ability to Express our limitless capacity for Health, Healing, and inevitably Life.

Chiropractic Care in Brick, New Jersey

Dr. Tyler C. White specializes in Traditional Chiropractic and various low force approaches to analyze and address areas of altered physiologic tone within the body. This innovative approach is founded on an intimate understanding of the Neuro-Spinal system so it may be addressed from a state of peace and ease allowing the adjustment to be fully integrated throughout the entirety of the system. Adjustments are delivered with speed, ease, specificity, and precision fully considering past traumas, injuries, stress, and biomechanical patterns. Message Hands On Health Chiropractic to schedule your appointment or call 732-710-7403.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Laying the Foundation

I was once told that, "Our Belief System is just as important as every other System in the Body." 

To which I initially thought, How? We have no way to measure it's function like we do for our Cardiovascular System? We can't visualize it like our Skeletal System, and we don't "Feel" it like we do the supple structures of our Nervous System. Nevertheless, I maintain that is is just as important, if not MORE important than the other systems. Most simply put; our Belief System has the power to guide the things we choose to, (and not to) do.

Think about it, we teach our children not to steal, because we believe it to be unethical or wrong. Conversely we may choose to eat fruits and vegetables because we believe them to be beneficial to us. We even choose to obey certain laws based on our beliefs; ever been caught speeding, jaywalking, or worse? Was it because of an utter disrespect, or because we didn't believe the importance of the associated statute.

We have the ability to belief whatever we wish, but that which we hold true begins to drive the decisions we make. Sometimes, our beliefs influence our values, and occasionally they may even feed our needs. However, one thing remains constant. Our Beliefs, are crafted by information. The more we learn and experience, the more our belief system evolves. On the day we get our driver's license most of us believe that exceeding 65 miles per hour was dangerous, but over time experiential wisdom suggests that a vehicle may be safely operated beyond that speed given the appropriate conditions. Following this revelation we are presented with a choice; we may choose to obey the posted limits, or we may choose to exceed them with the belief that it is safe to do so. 

Choosing to initiate Chiropractic Care is no different. We must be exposed to information, which will help us formulate a belief, and drive a decision based on the perceived benefits. In order to facilitate the execution of informed Chiropractic decision making we choose to hold weekly office orientations. These gatherings provide an opportunity to learn the philosophy, and science of Chiropractic so members of our community may choose whether they wish to live in a paradigm of treatment, recovery, and reactive thinking or one of Proactive Health, Healing, and Well-being. Our Orientations are a perfect opportunity to share our service with the people in your life who can benefit from the greatest expression of their capacity for Health, Healing, Adaptation, and Life. 

Join us this month for one of our upcoming Chiropractic Orientations and learn what Chiropractic can do for you!